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for instance

美 [fɔːr ˈɪnstəns]英 [fɔː(r) ˈɪnstəns]
  • 例如;譬如
for instancefor instance


as an example
take ribbon snakes, for example
Synonym: for example e.g.


  1. What would you do , for instance , if you found a member of staff stealing ?


  2. They will be concerned to do the right thing — to dress properly , for instance .


  3. There are a number of improvements ; for instance , both mouse buttons can now be used


  4. Ethiopia , for instance uses the equivalent of just twenty kilos of oil per head a year .


  5. With major life traumas , like losing a loved one , for instance , the mind 's first reaction is denial


  6. Let your child make some of the small decisions concerning his daily routine . For instance , allow him to choose what clothes he wears at the weekend .


  7. There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving ; for instance , training lions .


  8. You cannot rely on her , for instance , she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday .


  9. For instance , there 's a high energy cost in switching from a regular metabolism to an almost-no-water metabolism .


  10. For instance , a research group here at Arizona State University recently claimed their developmental small CubeSats could cost as little as $ 3,000 to put in orbit .


  11. PayPal , for instance , is testing an app that lets you use your mobile phone to pay on the fly at local merchants — without surrendering any card information to them .


  12. Best Buy , for instance , has been bearing the lion 's share of e-waste volume since two of its largest competitors , Amazon and Wal-mart , do not have their own recycling programs .


  13. This means , for instance , a CUNY student could reasonably expect to receive the same quality of instruction from a prestigious professor as they would if they were enrolled in the same class at NYU .


  14. For instance , new technologies that are building upon existing technology have not found their footing well enough to appeal to a mass audience , because , in many cases , they need to work effectively with other devices to realize their full appeal .


  15. What explains , for instance , why the Salt Lake City metro area is one of the 100 largest metropolitan areas most likely to lift the fortunes of the poor and the Atlanta metro area is one of the least likely ?


  16. For instance , DeWalt discovered that many contractors were holding on to their old tools , even if they no longer worked , because they were expensive purchases and it was hard to justify bringing them in to recycle .


  17. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , for instance , admits only that the graduation rate for its first-generation pupils is " much lower " than the percentage of all students who graduate within four years ( 81 percent ) .


  18. Imagine , for instance , that you lost your bank card .


  19. Veiseh , for instance , travelled a lot in his youth .


  20. Should you tell your friends , for instance , that they 're being recorded while you all watch the big game together ?


  21. Carpets , for instance , seem to be slightly better places to drop your food than wood or tile .


  22. Those who were more self-disciplined , for instance , were no more likely to live to be very old .


  23. In 1972 , for instance , the Soviets , recognizing their poor harvest early , quietly cornered the world wheat market .


  24. For instance , you can move a TV to the kitchen and watch your favorite shows while you 're standing at the sink .


  25. Take , for instance , the age at which people make commitments such as buying a house , getting married , having children , or starting a career .


  26. They were less likely to report symptoms of depression than those in the other facilities , for instance , and less likely to be bored or lonely .


  27. At the most cutting-edge retail stores — Victoria Beckham on Dover Street , for instance — you don 't go and stand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay .


  28. For instance , if the host casually acknowledges that there is a camera in the room by telling a story about it , that may be enough to provide an opening for a guest to say if they are uncomfortable .


  29. Bill , for instance , often gets painful " flashbacks " , in which unwanted memories intrude into his consciousness , but overall he has chosen to see it as the best way of avoiding repeating the same mistakes .


  30. For instance , talking about mathematical geniuses who were more or less born that way puts students in a fixed mind-set , but descriptions of great mathematicians who fell in love with math and developed amazing skills produce a growth mind-set .
